Chocolate Gifts.......if you need a little inspiration

Chocolate Gifts......a little inspiration

In Britain we eat approximately 660,000 tonnes of chocolate a year, averaging 11kg per person per year, equating to roughly 3 bars a week. So whether you’re a complete chocoholic looking for the ultimate daily delight, or looking for a treat to enjoy once in a while, chocolate is often the answer.
And why? Well it's official, science has now proven that a chemical called Tryptophan - an amino acid the brain uses to produce serotonin which is the 'feel good' chemical in the brain, is naturally present in small amounts in chocolate, which means eating chocolate does quite literally ‘cheer you up’ and make you feel ‘a little better’. Therefore what better excuse to indulge in some delicious and decadent chocolate, than to allow yourself and/or gift others, a little bit of happiness!
If looking to treat yourself or looking for a small treat to give as a token of appreciation, an add-on to bulk up a gift for a friend, an inclusion in a homemade hamper / Christmas Eve box, or a larger more substantial present for a particular event or occasion, we have a range of elegant, unusual and mouth-watering chocolate gifts for any occasion.
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